Varieties of :

Modern dwarf, EC-68415C, MSFH-1, MSFH-8, Surya, Ramson, NSFH, SH-3322, PSH-50.
A seed rate of 6-8 kg/ha for rainfed and 5-6kg/ha for irrigated sunflower is generally recommended. The spacing varies from 20 to 30 cm (plant to plant) and 60 to 80 cm ( row to row direction) depending upon soil, variety and method of irrigation.


Growth period and water requirement :

Stage of Growth
Parameter Initial Stage Crop Development Mid-Season Late Season Growth Period
Duration days 20-25 35-40 40-50 25-30 120-130
ETm (mm) 20% 25% 45% 10% 600-1000
Kc 0.3-0.4 0.7-0.8 1.05-1.2 0.70-0.80 -

Sprinkler Irrigation recommendation from Premier Range:

As the crop is a closely spaced crop, sprinkler irrigation is ideal for irrigation. The recommended models of sprinklers are M110ST & RAYNTM normally spaced at 12m x 12m or M150ST sprinklers spaced at 18m x 18m.
The sprinkler application rates should not exceed the safe intake rate of the soil to avoid run-off and wastage of water. Refer to the table below for basic intake rates of soils:

S No. Soil Type Good Soils with High Organic Content Poor Soils with Low Organic Content
1. Coarse sand 20 to 25 mm/hr 12.5 mm/hr
2. Fine sand 12.5 to 20 mm/hr 9.00 mm/hr
3. Fine sandy loams 12.50 mm/hr 7.50 mm/hr
4. Silt loams 10.00 mm/hr 6.85 mm/hr
5. Clay loams 7.50 mm/hr 6.35 mm/hr

Fertilizer Recommendation :

Irrigation Method N-P-K dose kg/ha
Rain-fed sunflower 50-30-60
Irrigated sunflower 100-60-120


Kc = Crop co-efficient.
ETo = Reference evapo-transpiration (mm)
ETm = Maximum evapo-transpiration = Kc x ETo (mm)
ETa = Evapo-transpiration actual (mm)
Ya = Actual yield
Ym = Maximum yield


Note: The advice and descriptions given herein are for general information only. Premier Irrigation cannot be held responsible for its use or application

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